Study Abroad
I was not lucky enough to do a study abroad while I was an undergraduate; I am old enough that when I went to college it wasn’t the “thing” to do–or if it was, it was too expensive. Since then, a lot of attention has been drawn to Study Abroad costs, and some programs even state they only cost as much as attending NC State for a semester. Despite my not being able to do a Study Abroad program in college, I was able to participate in a Study Abroad program in Oxford, England as a graduate student advisor, and I wholeheartedly support them. I actually went twice; once for about 6 weeks and then a second time for about 5 months. I wish I could go back!
So in short, I encourage all my students, if they are able, to study abroad. However, it’s important to recognize that a study abroad program needs to be integrated into your academic career plan. You may need to consider if studying abroad will result in you needing to take an extra semester to graduate, which may or may not be acceptable. You should also consider which study abroad program is appropriate, since you may be able to satisfy academic requirements on certain programs, which would result in a minimal impact on how this all would work.
A specific example of this is the Oxford Program. This is a study abroad program developed within the English department with a focus on English majors. Most study abroad courses are considered free electives, with a couple exceptions. However, because the Oxford Program was developed “in-house” you’ll get some GEP requirements fulfilled through this program, not just free electives.
There are two individuals/groups you need to speak to if you’re considering studying abroad.
First: set up an appointment to talk to me about whether we can fit that into your degree audit.
Second: reach out to Study Abroad directly.